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Early Childhood Screening 327 Results
Early Childhood Screening partners with families to provide a one-time free and simple check of how a child is growing, developing, and learning. Screening includes areas in which a child is doing well and areas of possible health or developmental concerns. Families may also receive information and referrals to district or community early learning programs. Screening at 3 years of age is preferred, but a child may be screened between the ages of 3 and the start of kindergarten, or first grade. Early Childhood Screening videos for parents in English, Hmong, Somali, and Spanish, as well as translated brochures and frequently asked questions, are available in many languages on Early Childhood Screening for Parents.
Zumbrota - Mazeppa Public School DistrictLink: view organization details
Early Childhood Screening
District Office
Address705 Mill St, Zumbrota, MN, 55992
Phone number(507) 732-7848
Website address
Area Served: Zumbrota-Mazeppa School District