Minnesota’s Energy Assistance Program helps renters and homeowners keep homes heated, lights on and more. For more information visit: www.mn.gov/home.
Dental and Health Care
Resources to find and access affordable dental and health care services
- Dental Care
- Dental Clinics and Services
- Most listings are clinics and programs offering lower cost services and/or accepting Medicaid. This is not a list of all dental clinics in the state. Check with your insurance provider for additional information.
- Health Care
- Health Care Providers/Clinics
- Visiting a health care provider for routine, well-child checkups is a great opportunity for parents to receive information about immunizations, healthy food choices, ways to keep children active, and tips to help children get ready for school. It is also a perfect time for parents and children to ask questions about any development, behavior, or mental health concerns.
- Reach Out and Read Clinics
- There are nearly 300 participating clinics across the state that give books to children and give developmental guidance to parents and caregivers at their children's routine well-child visits. Learn more about the program.
- Child and Teen Checkups
- For children covered by Medical Assistance, well-child checkups (medical and dental) called Child and Teen Checkups (C&TC), are free for newborns, children, and youth through age 20 years. If you do not have a health care provider or clinic, contact your C&TC coordinator for help (use the drop-down box to select your county or tribe). For children covered by other health insurance, contact member services to find a clinic near you where the well-child visit may be paid for by your health insurance.
- Minnesota Vaccines for Children Program (MnVFC)
- Information for parents about getting free or low-cost shots for their child (birth to 18 years of age) through the MnVFC program. Find a participating clinic.
- Community Health Clinics/Federally Qualified Health Centers
- Community-based health care providers that provide primary care services in underserved areas
- Early Childhood Mental Health Agencies
- Early childhood mental health professionals can work with parents and families to assess and treat trauma, emotional or behavioral concerns of babies, toddlers, and young children
- Medical Transportation
Organizations that provide rides to non-emergency medical appointments for people around their community. Pregnant people that are on Medical Assistance are eligible for free medical transportation to appointments.
- Transportation to medical appointments may be free for newborns, children and youth through age 20 years who are receiving Medical Assistance. Contact your Child and Teen Checkups Coordinator for help.
- Refugee Health Assessment
- The Minnesota Refugee Health Assessment is a health exam is done by clinicians who have been trained to provide the best care possible to refugees and other new arrivals to Minnesota. The Minnesota Department of Health Refugee Health Program and local public health partners coordinate this exam and it cannot be scheduled directly with clinics. For questions or to schedule a refugee health assessment, please contact the Minnesota Department of Health Refugee Health Program at refugeehealth@state.mn.us or 651-201-5414.
- Reproductive and Sexual Health Services
- Services may include contraception (birth control), testing and treatment for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), pregnancy testing and all-options pregnancy counseling and referrals, gender affirming hormone care, screening and laboratory tests, preconception care, and evidence-informed sexuality education for young people, teens, and caregivers.
- Rural Health Centers
- Outpatient health care facilities that provide a broad range of diagnostic and treatment services to rural and medically underserved areas
- Health Insurance
MNsure is where individuals and families can shop, compare and choose health insurance coverage that meets their needs. For more information on MNsure, click here.
- Get free help from an enrollment expert (MNsure-certified assister). To learn about the different kinds of assisters and how they can help you every step of the way, click here.
Pregnant and Expectant Families
Healthy Development and Screening
Developmental and Behavior Concerns
Disability Services and Resources
Early Learning and Child Care
Family Well-Being and Mental Health
American Indian Families
Caregiving and Community Support
Dental and Health Care
Basic Needs
Legal Services