Paying for Child Care, Preschool and Other Early Learning Programs


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Food Shelf Lakewood Worship and Service Center
2080 Woodlynn Ave, Maplewood, MN, 55109
Phone number(651) 779-9177 Website address
Area Served: Anoka, Dakota, Ramsey, Chisago, and Washington counties

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Help Paying for Basic Needs Lakewood Worship and Service Center
2080 Woodlynn Ave, Maplewood, MN, 55109
Phone number(651) 779-9177 Website address
Area Served: Anoka, Dakota, Ramsey, Chisago, and Washington counties

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Utility Assistance - HeatShare Lakewood Worship and Service Center
2080 Woodlynn Ave, Maplewood, MN, 55109
Phone number(651) 779-9177 Website address
Area Served: Anoka, Dakota, Ramsey, Chisago, and Washington counties

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Help Paying for Basic Needs Social Services Office - Woodbury
7380 Afton Rd, Woodbury Lutheran Church, Woodbury, MN, 55125
Phone number(651) 739-6288 Website address
Area Served: Washington and Chisago counties

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Utility Assistance - HeatShare Social Services Office - Woodbury
7380 Afton Rd, Woodbury Lutheran Church, Woodbury, MN, 55125
Phone number(651) 739-6288 Website address
Area Served: Washington and Chisago counties

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Transitional Housing Booth Brown House
1471 Como Ave, St. Paul, MN, 55108
Phone number(651) 646-2601 Website address
Area Served: Ramsey County

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Youth Shelter Booth Brown House
1471 Como Ave, St. Paul, MN, 55108
Phone number(651) 444-5757 Website address
Area Served: Ramsey County

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Subsidized Housing for Families Booth Brown House
1471 Como Ave, St. Paul, MN, 55108
Phone number(651) 646-2601 Website address
Area Served: Ramsey County

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Transitional Housing Harbor Light Center
1010 Currie Ave, Minneapolis, MN, 55403
Phone number(612) 767-3100 Website address
Area Served: Hennepin County

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Emergency Shelter Harbor Light Center
1010 Currie Ave, Minneapolis, MN, 55403
Phone number(612) 767-3100 Website address
Area Served: Hennepin County