Did you know, you may qualify for Minnesota’s Child Tax Credit of $1,750 per qualifying child. You can receive a refund even if you do not owe tax. Many families qualify for free tax preparation services.
Results for "crisis"
Phyllis Wheatley Community CenterLink: view organization details
Domestic Violence Support Services
Phone number(612) 374-4342
Website addresshttps://www.phylliswheatley.org/restorativeprograms
1301 10th Ave N, Minneapolis, MN, 55411
Area Served: Hennepin County and the City of Minneapolis; primarily the north side. Referrals are accepted from other counties as well.
Al-Maa'uun - "The Neighborly Needs"Link: view organization details
Help Paying for Basic Needs
Phone number(612) 326-5851
Website addresshttps://almaauun.org/housing
1729 Lyndale Ave N, Minneapolis, MN, 55411
Area Served: North Minneapolis