Did you know, you may qualify for Minnesota’s Child Tax Credit of $1,750 per qualifying child. You can receive a refund even if you do not owe tax. Many families qualify for free tax preparation services.
Healthy Development and Screening
Learn more about how your child is developing through one of Minnesota’s programs that support families who have children birth to 7 years of age. Programs offer a variety of services that include developmental screening, parent support, fun activities to support a child’s development, and connections to other helpful services.
- Family Home Visiting(For ages: Prenatal to 5 years; varies by program)
- Family home visiting (FHV) is a voluntary program for families who are pregnant or who have very young children. Trained home visitors meet with families in their community to provide social, emotional, health-related, and parenting support and information, and to link them to other helpful resources. Some examples of services an individual family may receive are prenatal education and referrals, help creating a safe and healthy environment, and referrals to early childhood programs in the community. Many Early Childhood Family Education programs offer family home visiting services.
- Follow Along Program(For ages: Birth to 3 years, some counties serve children up to 5 years)
- The Follow Along Program is a developmental and social-emotional screening program for children birth to 36 months that is administered through local public health departments. Families fill out periodic questionnaires that ask how their child is growing, playing, talking, moving, and acting. Children that have concerning screening results are referred for further medical, mental health, and/or educational evaluation and services.
- Early Head Start(For ages: Birth through 2 years)
- Home visiting or center-based services and programs for low-income families with infants and toddlers that support child development, parenting skills and self-sufficiency.
- Head Start(For ages: 3 through 5 years)
- Services and programs that prepare low-income families with preschool children (ages 3 - 5) for their transition to public school kindergarten and to support child development, parenting skills and self-sufficiency. Complete this online referral form to get connected to your local Head Start program.
- Early Childhood Screening(For ages: 3 years through Kindergarten)
- Early Childhood Screening partners with families to provide a one-time free and simple check of how a child is growing, developing, and learning. Screening includes areas in which a child is doing well and areas of possible health or developmental concerns. Families may also receive information and referrals to district or community early learning programs. Screening at 3 years of age is preferred, but a child may be screened between the ages of 3 and the start of kindergarten, or first grade. Early Childhood Screening videos for parents in English, Hmong, Somali, and Spanish, as well as translated brochures and frequently asked questions, are available in many languages on Early Childhood Screening for Parents.
- Health Care Providers/Clinics(For all ages)
Visiting a health care provider for routine, well-child checkups is a great opportunity for parents to receive information about immunizations, healthy food choices, ways to keep children active, and tips to help children get ready for school. It is also a perfect time for parents and children to ask questions about any development, behavior, or mental health concerns. Need help finding health insurance?
- Child and Teen Checkups(For ages: Birth to 21 years)
- For children covered by Medical Assistance, well-child checkups (medical and dental) called Child and Teen Checkups (C&TC), are free for newborns, children, and youth through age 20 years. If you do not have a health care provider or clinic, contact your C&TC coordinatorfor help (use the drop-down box to select your county or tribe). For children covered by other health insurance, contact member services to find a clinic near you where the well-child visit may be paid for by your health insurance.
- Early Childhood Family Education(For ages: Prenatal to Kindergarten)
- Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) is a family education program that provides programming and services for families with children between the ages of birth to Kindergarten. Some school districts offer parenting programs up to third grade. Learning opportunities may occur in a variety of settings, such as the families’ homes, district or community sites, and online parenting education and support. Classes often include parent discussion time; joint parent and child activities; and children learning and play time.
- Help Me Grow
- Visit MN Help Me Grow to learn how young children develop, learn, and grow from birth to five years of age. Find ideas on how to support a child’s development and what to do if you have concerns.
Pregnant and Expectant Families
Healthy Development and Screening
Developmental and Behavior Concerns
Disability Services and Resources
Early Learning and Child Care
Family Well-Being and Mental Health
American Indian Families
Caregiving and Community Support
Dental and Health Care
Basic Needs
Legal Services

- MN Help Me Grow
- Learn the Signs. Act Early.
- Developmental Milestone Tracker App
- Little Moments Count
- Positive Parenting Tips
- MN Parent
- Kids Out and About (Twin Cities)
- Talking Is Teaching
- Brush, Book, Bed
- Bright by Text
- Vroom.org
- Big Little Feelings
- Transforming Toddlerhood
- Busy Toddler
- Sesame Workshop
- Reach Out and Read MN