Did you know, you may qualify for Minnesota’s Child Tax Credit of $1,750 per qualifying child. You can receive a refund even if you do not owe tax. Many families qualify for free tax preparation services.
2. Make a Help Me Grow referral for an early intervention/educational evaluation
Local school districts provide early intervention or special education services, free to the family, for children who are eligible (birth through 5 years). To see if a child is eligible for services, click on the link below to use the Help Me Grow referral form. A referral can be made by a parent, any professional, or family members and others who have concerns about the child.
- For children birth through 2 years of age - local ECSE programs
- For children 3 through 5 years of age - local ECSE programs
- For children in kindergarten and higher grades
Lakes and Pines Community Action Council, Inc.Link: view organization details
Head Start
Mille Lacs Head Start
Address305 3rd Ave SW, Milaca, MN, 56353
Phone number(320) 679-1800 x144
Website addresshttps://www.lakesandpines.org/head-start
Area Served: Mille Lacs County
Lakes and Pines Community Action Council, Inc.Link: view organization details
Early Head Start
Mille Lacs Head Start
Address305 3rd Ave SW, Milaca, MN, 56353
Phone number(320) 679-1800 x144
Website addresshttps://www.lakesandpines.org/early-head-start
Area Served: Mille Lacs County
Lakes and Pines Community Action Council, Inc.Link: view organization details
Head Start
Princeton Public Schools
Address706 1st St, Princeton, MN, 55371
Phone number(320) 679-1800 x144
Website addresshttps://www.lakesandpines.org/head-start
Area Served: Mille Lacs County
Lakes and Pines Community Action Council, Inc.Link: view organization details
Family Homeless Prevention and Assistance Program (FHPAP)
Lakes and Pines North Branch Office
Address39555 Flink Ave, North Branch, MN, 55056
Phone number(320) 679-1800 x4
Website addresshttps://www.lakesandpines.org/emergency-housing-assistance
Area Served: Primarily southern Pine, Chisago and Isanti Counties, service also provided to Aitkin, Carlton, Kanabec and Mille Lacs Counties
Lakes and Pines Community Action Council, Inc.Link: view organization details
Energy Assistance Program
Lakes and Pines North Branch Office
Address39555 Flink Ave, North Branch, MN, 55056
Phone number(800) 832-6082
Website addresshttps://www.lakesandpines.org/energy-assistance
Area Served: Primarily southern Pine, Chisago and Isanti Counties, service also provided to Aitkin, Carlton, Kanabec and Mille Lacs Counties
Lakes and Pines Community Action Council, Inc.Link: view organization details
Low Cost Diapers
Lakes and Pines North Branch Office
Address39555 Flink Ave, North Branch, MN, 55056
Phone number(320) 679-1800
Website addresshttps://www.lakesandpines.org
Area Served: Primarily southern Pine, Chisago and Isanti Counties, service also provided to Aitkin, Carlton, Kanabec and Mille Lacs Counties
Lakes and Pines Community Action Council, Inc.Link: view organization details
Family Homeless Prevention and Assistance Program (FHPAP)
Lakes and Pines - Moose Lake Office
Address221 Elm Ave, Moose Lake, MN, 55767
Phone number(320) 679-1800 x4
Website addresshttps://www.lakesandpines.org/emergency-housing-assistance
Area Served: Carlton County
Social Security Advocacy Services provided in Aitkin, Carlton, Chisago, Isanti, Kanabec, Mille Lacs and Pine counties
Lakes and Pines Community Action Council, Inc.Link: view organization details
Low Cost Diapers
Lakes and Pines - Moose Lake Office
Address221 Elm Ave, Moose Lake, MN, 55767
Phone number(320) 679-1800
Website addresshttps://www.lakesandpines.org
Area Served: Carlton County
Social Security Advocacy Services provided in Aitkin, Carlton, Chisago, Isanti, Kanabec, Mille Lacs and Pine counties
Lakes and Pines Community Action Council, Inc.Link: view organization details
Weatherization Assistance Program
Lakes and Pines Moose Lake Office
Address221 Elm Ave, Moose Lake, MN, 55767
Phone number(320) 679-1800
Website addresshttps://www.lakesandpines.org/weatherization
Area Served: Primarily Northern Pine, Aitkin and Carlton Counties - other counties served are Chisago, Isanti, Kanabec & Mille Lacs
Lakes and Pines Community Action Council, Inc.Link: view organization details
Personal Financial Counseling
Lakes and Pines Moose Lake Office
Address221 Elm Ave, Moose Lake, MN, 55767
Phone number(800) 832-6082
Website addresshttps://www.lakesandpines.org/financial-literacy
Area Served: Primarily Northern Pine, Aitkin and Carlton Counties - other counties served are Chisago, Isanti, Kanabec & Mille Lacs
Lakes and Pines Community Action Council, Inc.Link: view organization details
Emergency Housing Case Management
Lakes and Pines Moose Lake Office
Address221 Elm Ave, Moose Lake, MN, 55767
Phone number(800) 832-6082
Website addresshttps://www.lakesandpines.org/emergency-housing-assistance
Area Served: Primarily Northern Pine, Aitkin and Carlton Counties - other counties served are Chisago, Isanti, Kanabec & Mille Lacs
Lakes and Pines Community Action Council, Inc.Link: view organization details
Transitional Housing
Lakes and Pines Moose Lake Office
Address221 Elm Ave, Moose Lake, MN, 55767
Phone number(800) 832-6082
Website addresshttps://www.lakesandpines.org/emergency-housing-assistance
Area Served: Primarily Northern Pine, Aitkin and Carlton Counties - other counties served are Chisago, Isanti, Kanabec & Mille Lacs
Lakes and Pines Community Action Council, Inc.Link: view organization details
Energy Assistance Program
Lakes and Pines Moose Lake Office
Address221 Elm Ave, Moose Lake, MN, 55767
Phone number(800) 832-6082
Website addresshttps://www.lakesandpines.org/energy-assistance
Area Served: Primarily Northern Pine, Aitkin and Carlton Counties - other counties served are Chisago, Isanti, Kanabec & Mille Lacs
Lakes and Pines Community Action Council, Inc.Link: view organization details
Low Cost Diapers
Lakes and Pines Moose Lake Office
Address221 Elm Ave, Moose Lake, MN, 55767
Phone number(320) 679-1800
Website addresshttps://www.lakesandpines.org
Area Served: Primarily Northern Pine, Aitkin and Carlton Counties - other counties served are Chisago, Isanti, Kanabec & Mille Lacs
Lakes and Pines Community Action Council, Inc.Link: view organization details
Low Cost Diapers
Lakes and Pines Main Office
Address1700 Maple Ave E, Mora, MN, 55051
Phone number(320) 679-1800
Website addresshttps://www.lakesandpines.org
Area Served: Pine, Isanti, Mille Lacs, Kanabec and Chisago counties
John Tracy CenterLink: view organization details
Information and Support - Hearing Loss
John Tracy Center (JTC) - Headquarters
Address2160 W Adams Blvd, Los Angeles, CA, 90018
Phone number(213) 748-5481
Website addresshttps://www.jtc.org/services/dhh
Area Served: Nationwide
Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education CenterLink: view organization details
Information and Support
Address800 Florida Ave NE, Gallaudet University, Washington, DC, 20002
Phone number(202) 651-5855
Website addresshttps://clerccenter.gallaudet.edu/national-resources
Area Served: Statewide
Legal Services Corporation (LSC)Link: view organization details
Attorney Referral Service
Address3333 K St NW, Washington, DC, 20007
Phone number(202) 295-1500
Website addresshttps://www.lsc.gov/about-lsc/what-legal-aid/i-need-legal-help
Area Served: Nationwide
Lutheran Social Service - Youth & Family ServicesLink: view organization details
Caregiver Support - Kinship Caregivers
Center for Changing Lives Minneapolis
Address2400 Park Ave, Minneapolis, MN, 55404
Phone number(651) 917-4640
Website addresshttps://www.lssmn.org/services/families/kinship
Area Served: Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott and Washington counties
Lutheran Social Service - Youth & Family ServicesLink: view organization details
Safe Harbor Regional Navigator for Sexually Exploited or Trafficked Youth
Lutheran Social Service - Brainerd
Address716 E St NE, Brainerd, MN, 56401
Phone number(866) 824-3770
Website addresshttps://www.lssmn.org/services/youth/health/sex-trafficking-services/care-for-survivors/mn-regional-navigators
Area Served: Programs serve Crow Wing County and additional counties in the greater Brainerd Lakes area. Service area may be dependent on program.
- Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)