Did you know, you may qualify for Minnesota’s Child Tax Credit of $1,750 per qualifying child. You can receive a refund even if you do not owe tax. Many families qualify for free tax preparation services.
2. Make a Help Me Grow referral for an early intervention/educational evaluation
Local school districts provide early intervention or special education services, free to the family, for children who are eligible (birth through 5 years). To see if a child is eligible for services, click on the link below to use the Help Me Grow referral form. A referral can be made by a parent, any professional, or family members and others who have concerns about the child.
- For children birth through 2 years of age - local ECSE programs
- For children 3 through 5 years of age - local ECSE programs
- For children in kindergarten and higher grades
Paul Bunyan TransitLink: view organization details
Local Bus Service
Address706 Railroad St SE, Bemidji, MN, 56601
Phone number(218) 751-8765
Website addresshttp://www.paulbunyantransit.com/services
Area Served: Cities of Bemidji, Roseau, Warroad and Baudette
Northwoods CaregiversLink: view organization details
Parental Visitation Monitoring
Address616 America Ave NW, Ste 170, Bemidji, MN, 56601
Phone number(218) 333-8264
Website addresshttps://northwoodscaregivers.org/first-city-visitation-services
Area Served: Beltrami, Clearwater, Koochiching, Lake of the Woods, and Northern Cass and Hubbard Counties, and older adults and their families at on the Red Lake, White Earth, Leech Lake and Bois Forte Reservations
Northern Dental Access CenterLink: view organization details
Dental Clinic
Northern Dental Access Center - Bemidji
Address1405 Anne St NW, Bemidji, MN, 56601
Phone number(888) 678-3033
Website addresshttps://www.northerndentalaccess.org
Area Served: Bemidji and surrounding communities
Shriners Healthcare for Children - Twin CitiesLink: view organization details
Address215 Radio Dr, Ste 100, Woodbury, MN, 55125
Phone number(612) 596-6105
Website addresshttps://www.shrinerschildrens.org/locations/twin-cities
Area Served: Statewide
STAR Program (System of Technology to Achieve Results)Link: view organization details
Medical Equipment or Assistive Technology Loan Program
Address658 Cedar St, 358 Centennial Office Building, St. Paul, MN, 55155
Phone number(651) 201-2640
Website addresshttps://mn.gov/admin/star/program-services/device-loan
Area Served: Statewide
The Advocates for Human RightsLink: view organization details
Legal Assistance - Asylum Project
Address330 2nd Ave S, Ste 800, Minneapolis, MN, 55401
Phone number(612) 341-9845
Website addresshttps://www.theadvocatesforhumanrights.org/Legal_Help
Area Served: Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota
Sandbox LearningLink: view organization details
Parenting Support
FEN Learning
Address1 Lincoln St, Fl 24, Boston, MA, 02111
Website addresshttps://www.familyeducation.com
Area Served: Nationwide
Spare KeyLink: view organization details
Help Paying for Basic Needs
Address480 Broadway St, St. Paul, MN, 55101
Phone number(952) 406-8872
Website addresshttps://www.helpmebounce.org/how-it-works
Area Served: National
SimplyAlertLink: view organization details
Housing Stabilization Services (HSS)
Address586 Maple Park Dr, Mendota Heights, MN, 55118
Phone number(612) 234-7878
Website addresshttps://www.simplyalert.com
Area Served: Nationwide
Rural Minnesota CEP, Inc.Link: view organization details
Job Training
Bemidji CareerForce
Address2300 24th St NW, Bemidji, MN, 56601
Phone number(218) 444-0732
Website addresshttps://www.rmcep.com/individuals/adult-services-overview
Area Served: Beltrami, Cass, Clearwater, Hubbard and Lake of the Woods counties
Rural Minnesota CEP, Inc.Link: view organization details
Career Counseling
Bemidji CareerForce
Address2300 24th St NW, Bemidji, MN, 56601
Phone number(218) 444-0732
Website addresshttps://www.rmcep.com
Area Served: Beltrami, Cass, Clearwater, Hubbard and Lake of the Woods counties
Southeastern Minnesota Center For Independent Living (SEMCIL)Link: view organization details
Disability Hub MN
SEMCIL - Rochester Office
Address2200 2nd St SW, Rochester, MN, 55902
Phone number(866) 333-2466
Website addresshttps://disabilityhubmn.org
Area Served: Dodge, Fillmore, Freeborn, Goodhue, Houston, Mower, Olmsted, Rice, Steele, Wabasha, and Winona counties
Disability HUB MN and DB101 - Statewide
Southeastern Minnesota Center For Independent Living (SEMCIL)Link: view organization details
Disability Benefits 101 (www.mn.DB101.org)
SEMCIL - Rochester Office
Address2200 2nd St SW, Rochester, MN, 55902
Phone number(866) 333-2466
Website addresshttps://mn.db101.org
Area Served: Dodge, Fillmore, Freeborn, Goodhue, Houston, Mower, Olmsted, Rice, Steele, Wabasha, and Winona counties
Disability HUB MN and DB101 - Statewide
Somali Parents Autism NetworkLink: view organization details
Information and Support
Address310 E 38th St, Ste 203, Minneapolis, MN, 55409
Phone number(763) 657-0049
Website addresshttps://www.somaliautism.org/what-we-do
Area Served: Provides services to the Somali community state-wide.
Ruby's PantryLink: view organization details
Food Distribution
Address236 15th Ave SW, Lake of the Woods School Bus Garage, Baudette, MN, 56623
Phone number(651) 674-0009
Website addresshttps://rubyspantry.org/find-location
Area Served: Baudette area
The Arc MinnesotaLink: view organization details
Information and Support
The Arc Minnesota - St. Paul (University)
Address2446 University Ave W, Ste 110, St. Paul, MN, 55114
Phone number(866) 797-1122
Website addresshttps://arcminnesota.org/ways-we-can-help/information-assistance
Area Served: Minnesota
Stellher Human Services IncLink: view organization details
Counseling Services
Address519 Anne St NW, Ste B, Bemidji, MN, 56601
Phone number(218) 444-2845
Website addresshttps://stellher.com/bemidji-outpatient-services
Area Served: Beltrami, Clearwater, Hubbard, Koochiching, Lake of the Woods, and Mahnomen counties
Stellher Human Services IncLink: view organization details
Crisis Line - Children's Mental Health
Address519 Anne St NW, Ste B, Bemidji, MN, 56601
Phone number(800) 422-0045
Website addresshttp://www.stellher.com/programs/childrens-crisis
Area Served: Beltrami, Clearwater, Hubbard, Koochiching, Lake of the Woods, and Mahnomen counties
Stellher Human Services IncLink: view organization details
Mental Health Mobile Crisis Response Services
Address519 Anne St NW, Ste B, Bemidji, MN, 56601
Phone number(800) 422-0045
Website addresshttps://stellher.com
Area Served: Beltrami, Clearwater, Hubbard, Koochiching, Lake of the Woods, and Mahnomen counties
Salvation Army - Northern MinnesotaLink: view organization details
Emergency Shelter
Call for Location
Phone number(651) 746-3406
Website addresshttps://centralusa.salvationarmy.org/northern/provide-housing
Area Served: Aitkin, Becker, Beltrami, Carlton, Cass, Clearwater, Cook, Hubbard, Itasca, Lake, Lake of the Woods, Kittson, Mahnomen, Marshall, Norman, Pennington, Pine, Polk, Red Lake, and
Roseau counties
- Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)