2. Make a Help Me Grow referral for an early intervention/educational evaluation
Local school districts provide early intervention or special education services, free to the family, for children who are eligible (birth through 5 years). To see if a child is eligible for services, click on the link below to use the Help Me Grow referral form. A referral can be made by a parent, any professional, or family members and others who have concerns about the child.

The referral will be directed to the local school district based on the child’s address. An early childhood specialist from the school district will follow up with the family within 7-10 days to discuss next steps, which may include a screening or evaluation. If you have questions, contact your local Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) program directly:


      Better Futures EnterprisesLink: view organization details

      Job Training - Individuals with Criminal Histories
      2620 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis, MN, 55406
      Phone number(612) 351-8657 Website addresshttps://betterfuturesminnesota.com
      Area Served: Hennepin and Ramsey counties

      Beacon Interfaith Housing CollaborativeLink: view organization details

      Emergency Shelter Administrative Office
      2610 University Ave W, Ste 100, St. Paul, MN, 55114
      Phone number(651) 789-6260 Website addresshttps://www.beaconinterfaith.org/what-we-do/shelter-families
      Area Served: Twin Cities Metro area

      Ain Dah Yung CenterLink: view organization details

      Youth Shelter
      1089 Portland Ave, St. Paul, MN, 55104
      Phone number(651) 370-2620 Emailmaricella.pacheco@adycenter.org Website addresshttps://adycenter.org/about/programs#EmergencyShelter
      Area Served: Anoka, Chisago, Dakota, Hennepin, Isanti, Ramsey and Washington counties

      180 Degrees, Inc.Link: view organization details

      Transitional Housing
      236 Clifton Ave, Minneapolis, MN, 55403
      Phone number(612) 813-5006 Emailinfo@180degrees.org Website addresshttps://www.180degrees.org/youth-shelters.html
      Area Served: Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Isanti, Pine, Ramsey, Scott and Washington counties

      AccessAbility, Inc.Link: view organization details

      Job Training - Project Connect AccessAbility
      360 Hoover St NE, Minneapolis, MN, 55413
      Phone number(612) 331-5958 Emailcep@accessability.org Website addresshttps://www.accessability.org/project-connect
      Area Served: Twin Cities Metro area

      Avenues for Homeless YouthLink: view organization details

      Youth Shelter Avenues for Homeless Youth - Minneapolis Avenues
      1708 Oak Park Ave N, Minneapolis, MN, 55411
      Phone number(612) 522-1690 Emailinfo@avenuesforyouth.org Website addresshttps://ysnmn.org/Shelters
      Area Served: Twin Cities Metro area

      Avenues for Homeless YouthLink: view organization details

      Youth Shelter Avenues for Homeless Youth - Brooklyn Avenues
      7210 76th Ave N, Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428
      Phone number(612) 522-1690 Emailinfo@avenuesforyouth.org Website addresshttps://ysnmn.org/Shelters
      Area Served: Hennepin County

      AeonLink: view organization details

      Subsidized Housing for Families Chicago Avenue Apartments
      1500 Chicago Ave, Minneapolis, MN, 55404
      Phone number(612) 338-7887 Website addresshttps://www.aeon.org
      Area Served: Hennepin County

      AeonLink: view organization details

      Privately Owned Affordable Housing Cobblestone Court Apartments
      2585 Conway Ave E, Maplewood, MN, 55119
      Phone number(651) 477-0502 Website addresshttps://www.aeon.org
      Area Served: Ramsey County

      AeonLink: view organization details

      Privately Owned Affordable Housing East Village
      1423 11th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN, 55404
      Phone number(612) 699-8472 Website addresshttps://www.aeon.org
      Area Served: Hennepin County