2. Make a Help Me Grow referral for an early intervention/educational evaluation
Local school districts provide early intervention or special education services, free to the family, for children who are eligible (birth through 5 years). To see if a child is eligible for services, click on the link below to use the Help Me Grow referral form. A referral can be made by a parent, any professional, or family members and others who have concerns about the child.

The referral will be directed to the local school district based on the child’s address. An early childhood specialist from the school district will follow up with the family within 7-10 days to discuss next steps, which may include a screening or evaluation. If you have questions, contact your local Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) program directly:


      ABC Parenting InstituteLink: view organization details

      Find a Provider - Parent Coach
      Newark, DE, 19702
      Phone number(310) 235-2633 Emailinfo@abcparenting.org Website addresshttps://www.abcparenting.org/minnesota-parent-coaches
      Area Served: Statewide

      Boys Town National HotlineLink: view organization details

      Crisis Line Call for Location Phone number(800) 448-3000 Emailhotline@boystown.org Website addresshttps://www.boystown.org/child-family-services/crisis
      Area Served: Nationwide

      American Camp Association (ACA)Link: view organization details

      Find a Camp
      5000 State Road 67 N, Martinsville, IN, 46151
      Phone number(800) 428-2267 Website addresshttp://find.acacamps.org
      Area Served: Nationwide

      AbleNet, Inc.Link: view organization details

      Medical Equipment and Supplies
      2625 Patton Rd, Roseville, MN, 55113
      Phone number(800) 322-0956 Emailfundingservices@ablenetinc.com Website addresshttps://www.ablenetinc.com
      Area Served: International

      Bahá Pregnancy and Parenting SupportLink: view organization details

      Doula Support
      MN, 56201
      Phone number(320) 262-6060 Emaildoula.nadia@bahaparent.org Website addresshttps://www.bahaparent.org
      Area Served: Chippewa, Douglas, Kandiyohi, Lac Qui Parle, Mcleod, Meeker, Pope, Renville, Stearns, Swift

      Ability Online Support NetworkLink: view organization details

      Support Group - Youth With Disabilities Phone number(866) 650-6207 Emailinformation@abilityonline.org Website addresshttps://newabilityonline.org/about-the-program
      Area Served: International

      BrightWorksLink: view organization details

      Psychological Assessments for Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing and Deafblind Students GM Launch PAD Call for Location Phone number(612) 638-1531 Emailinfo@brightworksmn.org Website addresshttps://brightworksmn.org/ProgramsServices/specialEducation/gmlaunchpad.html
      Area Served: Greater Minnesota (outside the Twin Cities Metro Area)

      American Academy of Child & Adolescent PsychiatryLink: view organization details

      Find a Youth Psychiatrist
      3615 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC, 20016
      Phone number(202) 966-7300 Website addresshttps://www.aacap.org/AACAP/Families_and_Youth/Resources/CAP_Finder.aspx
      Area Served: National

      Anodyne Inc.Link: view organization details

      Medical Equipment and Supplies
      6024 Blue Circle Dr, Minnetonka, MN, 55343
      Phone number(952) 546-5334 Emailinfo@anodynerehab.com Website addresshttps://anodynerehab.com
      Area Served: Statewide

      Autism Society of MinnesotaLink: view organization details

      Autism Assessment
      2380 Wycliff St, Ste 102, St. Paul, MN, 55114
      Phone number(651) 647-1083 Emailinfo@ausm.org Website addresshttps://ausm.org/therapy
      Area Served: State of Minnesota