2. Make a Help Me Grow referral for an early intervention/educational evaluation
Local school districts provide early intervention or special education services, free to the family, for children who are eligible (birth through 5 years). To see if a child is eligible for services, click on the link below to use the Help Me Grow referral form. A referral can be made by a parent, any professional, or family members and others who have concerns about the child.

The referral will be directed to the local school district based on the child’s address. An early childhood specialist from the school district will follow up with the family within 7-10 days to discuss next steps, which may include a screening or evaluation. If you have questions, contact your local Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) program directly:


      C. W. Transportation ServicesLink: view organization details

      Transportation C. W. Transportation Services - Byron Office
      Byron, MN, 55920
      Phone number(507) 421-9992 Emailc.andrist@cwtransportationservices.com Website addresshttps://cwtransportationservices.com
      Area Served: Provides transportation services throughout Minnesota

      180 Medical, IncLink: view organization details

      Medical Equipment and Supplies - Catheter and Ostomy Supplies
      8516 NW Expressway, Oklahoma City, OK, 73162
      Phone number(877) 688-2729 Website addresshttps://www.180medical.com
      Area Served: Nationwide

      AARPLink: view organization details

      Tax Help
      601 E St NW, Washington, DC, 20049
      Phone number(888) 227-7669 Emailtaxaide@aarp.org Website addresshttps://www.aarp.org/money/taxes/aarp_taxaide
      Area Served: Nationwide

      Aeroflow HealthcareLink: view organization details

      Medical Equipment and Supplies
      3165 Sweeten Creek Rd, Asheville, NC, 28803
      Phone number(828) 277-1400 Website addresshttps://aeroflowhealth.com
      Area Served: Statewide

      Advanced Respiratory, Inc.Link: view organization details

      Medical Equipment and Supplies
      1020 County Road F W, St. Paul, MN, 55126
      Phone number(800) 426-4224 Website addresshttps://respiratorycare.hill-rom.com
      Area Served: National

      Anywhere TransportLink: view organization details

      6113 Maple Valley Dr S, Fargo, ND, 58104
      Phone number(701) 232-3322
      Area Served: No limit to transportation distance

      Camp OdayinLink: view organization details

      Support Group - Children with Heart Disease
      3503 Highpoint Dr N, Ste 250, Oakdale, MN, 55128
      Phone number(651) 351-9185 Emailinfo@campodayin.org Website addresshttps://campodayin.org/about
      Area Served: Serves families in MN, WI, IL and IA

      Anu Family Services and Parenting MojoLink: view organization details

      Parenting Support Center for the Challenging Child Call for Location Phone number(877) 287-2441 Emailinfo@anufs.org Website addresshttps://www.anufs.org/our-services/parent-coaching
      Area Served: Nationwide

      Bridge to Benefits (Children's Defense Fund Minnesota)Link: view organization details

      Advocacy Bridge to Benefits
      555 Park St, Ste 410, St. Paul, MN, 55103
      Phone number(651) 227-6121 Emailnsumo@childrensdefense.org Website addresshttp://www.bridgetobenefits.org/Home2
      Area Served: Statewide

      AdapthealthLink: view organization details

      Medical Equipment and Supplies CPAP Store - Fargo
      3003 32nd Ave S, Ste 7C, Fargo, ND, 58103
      Phone number(701) 364-0589 Emailwebinquiry@adapthealth.com Website addresshttps://www.adapthealth.com/products-services
      Area Served: Norman and Clay Counties