2. Make a Help Me Grow referral for an early intervention/educational evaluation
Local school districts provide early intervention or special education services, free to the family, for children who are eligible (birth through 5 years). To see if a child is eligible for services, click on the link below to use the Help Me Grow referral form. A referral can be made by a parent, any professional, or family members and others who have concerns about the child.

The referral will be directed to the local school district based on the child’s address. An early childhood specialist from the school district will follow up with the family within 7-10 days to discuss next steps, which may include a screening or evaluation. If you have questions, contact your local Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) program directly:


      Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South DakotaLink: view organization details

      Clinic Rochester Clinic
      1212 7th St NW, Rochester, MN, 55901
      Phone number(507) 288-5186 Website addresshttps://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-north-central-states/get-care
      Area Served: Southeastern MN

      Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South DakotaLink: view organization details

      Reproductive and Sexual Health Rochester Clinic
      1212 7th St NW, Rochester, MN, 55901
      Phone number(507) 288-5186 Website addresshttps://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-north-central-states/get-care
      Area Served: Southeastern MN

      Parents Without Partners (PWP)Link: view organization details

      Support Group - Single Parents Call for Location Phone number(800) 637-7974 Website addresshttps://www.facebook.com/parentswithoutpartnersinternational
      Area Served: Nationwide

      Prepare and ProsperLink: view organization details

      Tax Help
      2610 University Ave W, Ste 450, St. Paul, MN, 55114
      Phone number(651) 287-0187 Emailcontact@prepareandprosper.org Website addresshttps://prepareandprosper.org/free-tax-preparation
      Area Served: Clinics are located primarily in the Twin Cities Metro area See online or call for a list of locations and a schedule during tax season Greater Minnesota: Call for a list of locations and a schedule during tax season

      OutFront MinnesotaLink: view organization details

      Attorney Referral Service
      2446 University Ave W, Ste 112, St. Paul, MN, 55114
      Phone number(612) 822-0127 Emailaccess@outfront.org Website addresshttps://www.outfront.org/anti-violence-program#lgbtq-friendly-attorneys
      Area Served: Statewide

      OutFront MinnesotaLink: view organization details

      Domestic Violence Support Services
      2446 University Ave W, Ste 112, St. Paul, MN, 55114
      Phone number(800) 800-0350 Emailavp@outfront.org Website addresshttps://www.outfront.org/anti-violence-program#domestic-violence
      Area Served: Statewide

      Quality Stretchers LLCLink: view organization details

      1027 7th St NW, Ste 212, Rochester, MN, 55901
      Phone number(507) 202-7747 Website addresshttps://qualitystretchers.com
      Area Served: Statewide

      Pregnancy & Postpartum Support MinnesotaLink: view organization details

      Parenting Support
      2136 Ford Pkwy, Ste 5269, St. Paul, MN, 55116
      Phone number(612) 787-7776 Emailadmin@ppsupportmn.org Website addresshttps://www.ppsupportmn.org/mentalhealth
      Area Served: Statewide

      Pregnancy & Postpartum Support MinnesotaLink: view organization details

      Birthing and Parenting Education
      2136 Ford Pkwy, Ste 5269, St. Paul, MN, 55116
      Phone number(612) 787-7776 Emailadmin@ppsupportmn.org Website addresshttps://www.ppsupportmn.org/mentalhealth
      Area Served: Statewide

      Parenting CountsLink: view organization details

      Parenting Support
      Seattle, WA, 98105
      Website addresshttps://www.parentingcounts.org/developmental-timeline
      Area Served: Nationwide