2. Make a Help Me Grow referral for an early intervention/educational evaluation
Local school districts provide early intervention or special education services, free to the family, for children who are eligible (birth through 5 years). To see if a child is eligible for services, click on the link below to use the Help Me Grow referral form. A referral can be made by a parent, any professional, or family members and others who have concerns about the child.

The referral will be directed to the local school district based on the child’s address. An early childhood specialist from the school district will follow up with the family within 7-10 days to discuss next steps, which may include a screening or evaluation. If you have questions, contact your local Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) program directly:


      Helen Keller National Center for Deaf-Blind Youths and AdultsLink: view organization details

      Vision Loss Services
      141 Middle Neck Rd, Sands Point, NY, 11050
      Phone number(516) 944-8900 Emailhkncinfo@hknc.org Website addresshttps://www.helenkeller.org/hknc
      Area Served: Nationwide

      Helen Keller National Center for Deaf-Blind Youths and AdultsLink: view organization details

      Vision Loss Services North Central Region
      2200 University Ave W, Ste 240, St. Paul, MN, 55114
      Phone number(516) 497-1415 Emailjfilek@helenkeller.org Website addresshttps://www.helenkeller.org/hknc
      Area Served: Statewide (as well as Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio and Wisconsin)

      discapacitados abriéndose caminosLink: view organization details

      Parenting Support - Disabilities
      107 7th Ave S, South St. Paul, MN, 55075
      Phone number(651) 293-1748 Emailcentro@dacmn.org
      Area Served: Statewide

      discapacitados abriéndose caminosLink: view organization details

      Support Group - Parents of Children with Disabilities in Spanish
      107 7th Ave S, South St. Paul, MN, 55075
      Phone number(651) 293-1748 Emailcentro@dacmn.org
      Area Served: Statewide

      Day One ServicesLink: view organization details

      Crisis Line - Domestic Violence & Shelter
      1000 E 80th St, The Sheila Wellstone Center, Bloomington, MN, 55420
      Phone number(866) 223-1111 Emailsafety@dayoneservices.org Website addresshttps://dayoneservices.org/domestic-violence/help-now
      Area Served: Statewide

      Day One ServicesLink: view organization details

      Domestic Violence Support Services
      1000 E 80th St, The Sheila Wellstone Center, Bloomington, MN, 55420
      Phone number(866) 223-1111 Emailsafety@dayoneservices.org Website addresshttp://dayoneservices.org/domestic-violence
      Area Served: Statewide

      Day One ServicesLink: view organization details

      Safe Harbor Regional Navigator for Sexually Exploited or Trafficked Youth
      1000 E 80th St, The Sheila Wellstone Center, Bloomington, MN, 55420
      Phone number(866) 223-1111 Emailsafety@dayoneservices.org Website addresshttps://dayoneservices.org/trafficking/safe-habor
      Area Served: Statewide

      Foster Adopt MinnesotaLink: view organization details

      Helpline - HELP Program
      2446 University Ave W, Ste 140, St. Paul, MN, 55114
      Phone number(612) 746-5137 EmailHELP@fosteradoptmn.org Website addresshttps://www.fosteradoptmn.org/permanency-services/help_program_overview
      Area Served: Statewide

      Foster Adopt MinnesotaLink: view organization details

      Find Adoption Services
      2446 University Ave W, Ste 140, St. Paul, MN, 55114
      Phone number(612) 861-7115 Emailinfo@fosteradoptmn.org Website addresshttp://www.fosteradoptmn.org/resources
      Area Served: Statewide

      Disabled Parenting ProjectLink: view organization details

      Parenting Support Call for Location Website addresshttps://disabledparenting.com/welcome-to-the-disabled-parenting-project-community
      Area Served: Statewide