Wright County Community Action Agency, LLC

Weatherization Assistance Program

Helps low-income homeowners and renters to reduce energy costs


Provides services to income-qualified homeowners and renters to reduce energy bills by making homes more energy efficient while protecting the health and safety of household members

Local Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) providers will do an energy audit to determine if weatherization is needed and will create a plan for the most cost-effective energy efficient improvements for your home.

Services may include:

  • Addition of attic or wall insulation
  • Reduction of air leakage
  • Replacement or repair of furnaces, boilers, and water heaters
  • Education on how you can reduce energy usage in your home

Additional Information

Performs an energy audit, provides energy education, and installs conservation measures tailored to each individual structure.


  • Area Served by County
    • Wright County
  • Organization Type
    • Community Action Partnership
  • Specialization
    • Disabilities
    • Family
    • People with low income


Households are eligible based on 200% of Federal Poverty Income Guidelines or if eligible for assistance under the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) income limit of 50% of State Median Income, whichever is greater. Households receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) within the last 12 months are also eligible.

Priority is given to households with:

  • Elderly or disabled family members
  • Children under 19 years of age
  • High energy consumption

Please note that the wait time for assistance, after eligibility has been determined, varies between local WAP providers.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Renters and homeowners

Application Instructions

Complete one application for both Energy Assistance and Weatherization Assistance:

Applications can also be picked up from your local service provider, or Minnesota residents can obtain an application and more information by calling (800) 657-3710 or email: energy.info@state.mn.us

Mail the completed application to your local provider.


There is no fee.


130 Division St W, Maple Lake, MN, 55358

Area Served

Wright County

Phone Numbers

  • Primary Contact for this program: 320-963-6500




Other Services at this Location

  • Community Action Agency Provides programs and services that help individuals and families with low incomes.
  • Energy Assistance Program Helps renters and homeowners pay their home heating bills and may also assist homeowners to fix or replace their broken furnace
  • Food Distribution - Backpack Program Boxes or bags of food that are provided for free or at a very low cost, often on designated days or times
  • Transitional Housing Time-limited housing and support services for individuals and/or families
  • WIC - Supplemental Nutrition Program A nutrition and breastfeeding program that helps young families eat well and be healthy. Learn about nutrition during pregnancy and feeding your baby and young children; meet breastfeeding goals; and buy healthy food using your WIC card.

Last Update
