Way to Grow

Parenting Support

Education and support for parents, or soon to be parents


Programming or supplies to help parents or potential parents succeed in the parenting role

This can include classes, workshops, information, educational opportunities, or equipment/supplies.

Additional Information

Trains parents to help young children learn through daily activities and play.

Family educators provide:

  • Home visits
  • Prenatal services
  • Car seat and safe sleep trainings
  • Access to resources like housing, employment, education, food, health services
  • Family health and wellness education
  • Home safety assistance and education
  • Family fun nights and events


  • Area Served by County
    • Hennepin County
  • Client Conveniences
    • Assistance with community resources
  • Specialization
    • African American Community
    • Family
    • Hispanic/Latino Community
    • Native American Community


Pregnant women and parents of children under the age of six living in Minneapolis. Some programs work with children up to age eight.


201 Irving Ave N, Ste 100, Minneapolis, MN, 55405

Area Served

City of Minneapolis

Phone Numbers

  • Primary Contact for this program: 612-874-4740




Other Services at this Location

  • Family Home Visiting Expectant parents and parents or caregivers of young children can receive in-home support including education on pregnancy topics, parenting skills and connections to community resources.

Last Update
