Waseca Area Neighborhood Service Center

Help Paying for Basic Needs

Short term help for basic needs like food, shelter and transportation


Offers cash or other short term aid to people in a crisis that is affecting their access to basic needs

Emergency assistance can vary based upon eligibility and available funds.

Additional Information

The Special Needs program works to prevent homelessness by helping pay up to $150 in rent, mortgage and utilities to prevent eviction and remain housed.

Thrift store vouchers for clothing and household goods are also available.


  • Area Served by County
    • Waseca County
  • Specialization
    • People with low income


Low-income adults without children that live in Waseca County that do not qualify for other assistance programs. People are eligible for this once per month.

Application Instructions

Applications available at the Center. Must provide proof of residency and proof of income for services. Individual must provide agency with a copy of the bill that is being paid.


203 3rd Ave NW, Waseca, MN, 56093

Area Served

City of Waseca

Phone Numbers

  • Primary Contact for this program: 507-833-4119




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