Wadena County Friendly Rider Transit

Local Bus Service - Friendly Rider

Bus transportation within a city, county or region


Bus transportation that provides rides to people within a city, county or region

Additional Information

On-demand bus service. Does not follow the same route every day, instead requires a pre-arranged appointment to ride.

All buses are fully accessible to people using mobility devices. Buses are equipped with a power lift.


  • Area Served by County
    • Otter Tail County
    • Todd County
    • Wadena County


Areas of Wadena, Otter Tail and Todd counties.

Application Instructions

To schedule a ride, call between the hours of 8:00am - 4:30pm, Monday - Friday, or use the website's online form. Schedule rides at least two hours in advance. Some rides require a 24-hour notice.


See current pricing and prepaid passes and tickets.


229 Harry Rich Dr, Wadena, MN, 56482

Area Served

Areas of Wadena, Otter Tail and Todd counties

Phone Numbers

  • Primary Contact for this program: 218-631-5730


Other Services at this Location

Last Update
