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Program Details
Liz Hochman
Doula Support
A non-medical person who provides continuous physical, emotional, and informational support before, during and after childbirth.
Doulas are non-medical professionals who provide emotional, physical, and informational support during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. They are trained to help birthing individuals and their families achieve the healthiest and most satisfying experience possible.
In addition to prenatal visits, support during labor/delivery, and postpartum visits, many doulas provide additional services, such as lactation support, newborn care and parenting classes, massage, and aromatherapy. Doulas may provide services in a variety of settings, such as a hospital, home, birthing center, and telehealth. Doulas do not deliver babies or provide medical care.
About This Location
The information below shares unique characteristics and specialties about this individual doula.
Pronouns: She/Her
This provider works with: birthED
Specializations: Home birth, Induction of labor, LGBTQ2-S+, Medical complication(s) (mother), Medical complication(s) (baby), Natural/holistic, Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), Planning Cesarean section, Pregnancy after miscarriage/loss, Pre-term labor/delivery, Surrogacy, Trauma informed support, Twins/multiples, Vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC)/Trial of labor after cesarean (TOLAC), Virtual/remote support
Additional services offered: Abortion support, Babywearing education, Childbirth education services, Cloth diapering education, Lactation support (non-IBCLC), Newborn care and parenting classes
Doula certification organization: DONA
Area Served by County
- Anoka County
- Hennepin County
Doula Birth Settings
- At home birth
- Birth center
- Hospital
Doula Specialization
- Home birth
- Induction of labor
- Medical complication(s) (baby)
- Medical complication(s) (mother)
- Natural/holistic
- Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
- Planning cesarean section
- Pregnancy after miscarriage/loss
- Pre-term labor/delivery
- Surrogacy
- Trauma informed support
- Twins/multiples
- Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC)/Trial of Labor After Cesarean (TOLAC)
- Virtual/remote support
- Medicaid (Medical Assistance)
- Private health insurance
- Private pay
- High risk pregnancy
- LGBTQ Community
- Mental health
Hopkins, MN, 55343
Area Served
Anoka, Hennepin
Phone Numbers
- Primary Contact for this program: 612-229-2490
Last Update