Karen Organization of Minnesota

Job Search Assistance

Help to find and get a job that matches your qualifications, experience and interests


Job search services may include:

  • Job interview training
  • Writing a resume
  • Vocational assessment
  • Job placement assistance
  • List of available employment opportunities

Additional Information

Offers job searching assistance for refugees who have lived in the United States for less than 5 years.

Employment counselors help with job placement in both the Twin Cities metro area and greater Minnesota including the cities of: Marshall, Austin, Albert Lea and Worthington.

Employment counselors help clients apply for jobs, interpret for orientations, and provide support to employers.


  • Area Served by County
    • Anoka County
    • Carver County
    • Dakota County
    • Hennepin County
    • Ramsey County
    • Scott County
    • Washington County
  • Specialization
    • Immigrants
    • Karen Community
    • Refugees


Refugees who have lived in the United States for less than 5 years


2353 Rice St, Ste 240, Roseville, MN, 55113

Area Served

Twin Cities metro area

Phone Numbers

  • Primary Contact for this program: 651-202-3131
  • Main: 651-788-7593




Other Services at this Location

  • Cultural Organization Cultural organizations are available to support a specific cultural community or a group of cultural communities.
  • Forms Assistance Helps people complete applications or other required steps to receive benefits or services
  • Job Training Learn how to do the tasks for a type of job
  • Parenting Support Education and support for parents, or soon to be parents

Last Update
