Youth Services Network (YSN)

Online Listings of Shelters and Services for Homeless Youth

Online resource that has frequently updated lists of shelters and services that support homeless youth


Website that helps homeless youth and their advocates find shelters and other kinds of assistance.

Online service directory includes:

  • Listing of youth shelters in the Twin Cities area, including number of beds that are currently available
  • Locations of drop-in centers
  • Listing of available outreach workers
  • Service directory, including education, medical, food and basic needs
  • Crisis and resource hotlines
  • Employment services
  • Mental health services
  • Pregnant and parenting youth resources


  • Area Served by County
    • Anoka County
    • Carver County
    • Dakota County
    • Hennepin County
    • Ramsey County
    • Scott County
    • Washington County
  • Client Conveniences
    • Assistance with community resources
  • Payment
    • Free / no cost to everyone
  • Specialization
    • Homeless


Area Served

Twin Cities Metro area


Last Update
