
Local Bus Service

Bus transportation within a city, county or region


Bus transportation that provides rides to people within a city, county or region

Additional Information

Low cost bus service from Minneapolis, St. Paul or Duluth.

Provides accessible transportation service to customers with special requirements and does not discriminate on the basis of disability

Customers with special requirements can make reservations through the their website by selecting yes when asked if there are any passengers travelling with special requirements.


  • Area Served by County
    • Hennepin County
    • Ramsey County
    • St. Louis County
  • Specialization
    • People with low income


Can provide assistance to those with walking difficulties, those who normally use wheelchairs or scooters, and customers with service animals and breathing aids, among others.

Application Instructions

Tickets are purchased online. If you need help making a reservation, call and a customer service representative will assist you.


Call for Location

Area Served

Midwest area

Phone Numbers

  • Primary Contact for this program: 877-462-6342


Last Update
