Minnesota Help Me Connect helps expectant families, families with young children birth to 8 years of age, and those working with families find and connect to services in their local communities that support healthy child development and family well-being. Help Me Connect includes resources and services that promote healthy prenatal and early childhood development, education, safety and well-being of children and families. It includes non-profits, for-profits (licensed by the state of Minnesota) and government agencies.

Help Me Connect was developed based on parent and community provider feedback. Beginning in 2012 a team of early childhood partners including state staff, tribal liaisons, and health care and education providers explored how to expand the state’s Help Me Grow system. Since then, the state has worked with community partners and care providers to create a new, partner website that connects families to the vast array of early childhood and family well-being resources.

Help Me Connect is state funded through MN Statute 145.988 and is a joint initiative between Minnesota's Departments of Children, Youth and Families; Education; Health; Human Services; and the Governor’s Children’s Cabinet.

Outreach Materials Order Form

Help Me Connect outreach materials are available to help professionals share information with families. Use the online form to order free materials in English and Spanish.

Materials to Download, Videos and Podcasts (YouTube Playlist)