Program Details
White Earth Nation
Early Childhood Mental Health Services
Mental health services for young children and their families
Mental health services that can support healthy parenting when either the caregiver or the child is affected by emotional or behavioral concerns. For caregivers, this may be a history of postpartum depression, trauma, anxiety, other mental illness, or substance use. For young children, this may be challenging behaviors, trouble with eating or sleeping, tantrums, or other emotional or behavioral problems.
These services are especially important for young children or parents/caregivers who have experienced trauma, such as abuse, neglect, violence, or other stressful or scary events in life.
About This Location
Services are provided by professionals that are trained and supported by the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) in evidence-based (proven) ways of assessing and treating early childhood and family mental health concerns. Professionals have specialty training to address trauma, emotional or behavioral concerns of babies, toddlers, and young children.
Area Served by County
- Becker County
- Native American Community
Children age birth - five years of age and their caregivers, with a focus on uninsured and underinsured families
Services can be billed through insurance and through the early childhood mental health grant
40520 County Highway 34, Ogema, MN, 56569
Area Served
White Earth Tribal Reservation
Phone Numbers
- Primary Contact for this program: 800-477-0125
Other Locations
- Mahnomen Mental Health Office 216 N Main St, Mahnomen, MN, 56557
- Oshki Manidoo Center 1714 15th St NW, Bemidji, MN, 56601
- White Earth Urban Duluth Office 205 W 2nd St, Duluth, MN, 55802
- White Earth Urban Minneapolis Office 1730 Clifton Pl, Minneapolis, MN, 55403
Other Services at this Location
- Clinic Medical office that provides non-emergency care
- Counseling Services Individual, group and family counseling
- Dental Clinic Office that provides professional care of teeth and gums
- Transportation Program that provides rides for people in the community
Last Update