Minnesota’s Energy Assistance Program helps renters and homeowners keep homes heated, lights on and more. For more information visit: www.mn.gov/home.
Program Details
MAHUBE-OTWA Community Action Partnership
Emergency Shelter
Provides a temporary place to stay for people that do not have housing
Offers temporary shelter for those who are homeless or need a place to stay. Space may be available on-site, or may be provided at other nearby locations.
Additional Information
Mahube Community Council offers a limited number of motel vouchers to those in need.
Mahube-Otwa is a coordinated entry assessment site.
Area Served by County
- Becker County
- Beltrami County
- Cass County
- Clearwater County
- Crow Wing County
- Hubbard County
- Lake of the Woods County
- Mahnomen County
- Morrison County
- Todd County
- Wadena County
Organization Type
- Community Action Partnership
- Family
- Homeless
- People with low income
Serves single adults, couples without children, families, and minor youth headed families in Mahnomen, Hubbard, Becker, Otter Tail and Wadena counties.
1125 W River Rd, Detroit Lakes, MN, 56501
Area Served
Most programs serve Becker County. Service area may be dependent on program.
Phone Numbers
- Primary Contact for this program: 888-458-1385
Other Services at this Location
- Community Action Agency Provides programs and services that help individuals and families with low incomes.
- Energy Assistance Program Helps renters and homeowners pay their home heating bills and may also assist homeowners to fix or replace their broken furnace
- Family and Community Resource Navigator Navigators within local community organizations help pregnant families and those with children find and connect with local early childhood and family well-being services.
- Family Homeless Prevention and Assistance Program (FHPAP) Short-term help for low-income families, youth and single adults who are homeless or are about to become homeless
- Father's Resource Program Assists parents with child support, custody and parenting time issues.
- Head Start Program that supports children's growth from ages 3 - 5 through services that support early learning and development, health, and family well-being.
- Help Paying for Basic Needs - Family Development Short term help for basic needs like food, shelter and transportation
- Housing Stabilization Services (HSS) Medical Assistance benefit to help people with disabilities and seniors find and keep housing
- Transitional Housing Time-limited housing and support services for individuals and/or families
- Weatherization Assistance Program Helps low-income homeowners and renters to reduce energy costs
Last Update