Program Details
Medical Equipment and Supplies - Power Wheelchairs and Scooters
Durable Medical Equipment (DME) supplier
Sells medical equipment/supplies that are used for health-related issues
Durable Medical Equipment (DME) is used by people with a disability, ongoing health concerns or those recovering from home after a hospital stay.
Additional Information
Sells mobility devices such as:
- Power (motorized) chairs
- Mobility scooters
They also have home safety devices such as:
- Vehicle wheelchair lifts
- Bath lifts
- Bathroom and bedroom mobility accessories
- Power chair replacement parts to aid in mobility needs
Rental options also available.
Area Served by County
- Statewide
- Private health insurance
- Private pay
For some types of DMEs, a supplier that has been awarded a contract by Medicare must be used. To determine if Medicare will pay for DMEs from this provider, use the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) website to see if they are an approved provider.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Insurance coverage depends on medical necessity as determined by insurer. Valid doctors prescription required. Rental options also available.
6015 31st St E, Ste 201, Bradenton, FL, 34203
Area Served
Phone Numbers
- Primary Contact for this program: 800-964-6837
- Toll Free: 800-542-7236
Last Update